

§1   Name

  1. The name of the society is Norsk Operasjonsanalyseforening.
  2. In connection with international activities we are also named: Norwegian Operations Research Society.
  3. As acronym we use NORS.

§2   Purpose

  1. The society’s purpose is to promote theoretical and applied operations research, as well as practical use of operations research in Norway.
  2. NORS shall also promote contacts with other national, Nordic and international societies of the same kind. NORS shall also promote Norwegian participation in international conferences and courses, and as far as possible support conferences and meetings with Norwegian organizers.
  3. NORS is a member of (here we list any organization that we have joined)

§3   Organization

  1. NORS is registered as a self-owned foundation in the Norwegian “Register of Non-Profit Organizations”.

§4   Members

  1. Anybody accepting the bylaws of NORS can become a member.
  2. Companies and institutions supporting the purpose of NORS can apply to become institutional members.
  3. The Board approves applications for membership and can reject if there is reasonable cause.
  4. Membership is valid only after the first membership fee is paid.
  5. Members owing more than one year’s fee lose their membership.
  6. Membership is for one year at a time, and members who wish to withdraw must do it before 1 December with a message to the Board.

§5   Membership fees

  1. Yearly fees are determined by the General Council.

§6   The right to vote and be elected

  1. Members owing membership fees may not vote.
  2. All personal members can be elected.
  3. Institutional members cannot be elected and cannot vote.
  4. It is not allowed to vote on behalf of others.

§7   The Board

  1. The Board consists of five personal members elected by the General Council.
  2. Between two General Council meetings, the Board has the highest authority in NORS.
  3. The Board must implement decisions made by the General Council and carry out daily operations.
  4. The Board appoints representatives when necessary.
  5. If feasible, at least two board members should be replaced at each General Council.
  6. Minutes must be taken of all Board decisions.
  7. One appointed board member is responsible for the finances of the society.
  8. The Board constitutes itself.
  9. The leader of the Board has a double vote to break ties.

§8   General Council and its duties

  1. The General Council has the highest authority in NORS.
  2. Ordinary General Council meetings are held in October or November each year.
  3. All members can bring up issues for the General Council meeting. All issues must be accompanied by suggested decisions.
  4. The following issues must be part of all ordinary General Council meetings:
    • Annual report for approval
    • Annual financial statement for approval
    • Issues suggested by members
    • Budget for the coming year
    • Membership fees
    • Election of Board
    • Election of auditor

§9   Organization of and voting at the General Council.

  1. Unless there are strong reasons against, General Council meetings are held virtually on some on-line forum.
  2. Members are informed about General Council meetings at least one month in advance.
  3. Members must send suggested issues to the Board at least 14 days before the meeting.
  4. An agenda with the annual report, annual financial statement, budget, and all other subjects must be sent to members at least 8 days before the meeting.
  5. When virtual meetings are held, the agenda will contain a detailed description of when issues are discussed at the forum. The discussion period must be at least three days long.
  6. Entries on the on-line forum meant to lead to decisions must be marked by «Suggested decision» and accompanied by a complete decision text.
  7. After closing the debate, the Board will, within at most one week, organize an electronic vote regarding all suggested decisions.
  8. Voting and elections are done electronically, even if the meeting is physical.
  9. The period for voting and elections must cover at least two working days.
  10. In cases with only one suggested decision, decisions are based on simple majority.
  11. With two or more suggested decisions, “Ranked pairs” is used. Among the possible decisions there must be a null-decision. In the very special cases where the method does not lead to a conclusion, drawing lots will be used. For details, see T. N. Tiedeman, Independence of Clones as a Criterion for Voting Rules, Social Choice and Welfare 4 (1987) 185-206.
  12. At physical meetings, the meeting starts by electing a chair and two members that will sign the protocol.
  13. Blank votes do not count.
  14. All votes and elections are public. The outgoing board will sum up all decisions regarding votes and elections at the meeting and send out the results to all members within one week.

§10  Election of Board and other representatives

  1. Each personal member has one vote for each position that is to be filled.
  2. The Board publishes the names of the candidates in an arbitrary order.
  3. Each position is filled with the candidates that receive the most votes. In case of ties, the candidate that is placed highest on the candidate list is elected.

§11  Extraordinary Council Meetings

  1. Extraordinary Council Meetings can be called based on
    • a decision by the Board,
    • a decision made at a General Council meeting,
    • or if requested by 25% of the personal members.
  2. A meeting based on a request from 25% of the personal members must be held within one month after the request has been received by the Board.
  3. Other deadlines are as for General Council meetings.

§12  Membership meetings at Nordic and European conferences

  1. During Nordic or European conferences where a reasonable number of members are present, membership meetings will be held if practically possible. The purpose will be to discuss issues of importance for NORS.
  2. The meeting may decide to send cases over to the Board. If so, votes for and against shall be part of the minutes.
  3. The minutes are sent to the Board for further handling.

§13  Changes in the bylaws

  1. Changes require that 2/3 of the casted votes support the change.
  2. Changes takes effect on the day the results of the vote are published.

§14  Dissolution

  1. NORS can be dissolved if 2/3 of the members support the action.
  2. Unless otherwise determined by the General Council or an extraordinary Council Meeting, the funds of NORS will go to The Norwegian Red Cross.